About Slovenia

Slovenia - Map Republic
Area: 20,273 km2
Extent of borders: with Austria, 330 km; with Italy, 280 km; with Hungary, 102 km; with Croatia, 670 km; total, 1382 km
Population: 1,964,036 (2002 census)
Population density / km2: 98,3
GDP per capita in 2002: USD 11,027
Growth in GDP in 2002: 3.2%
Unemployment in 2002: 6.4%
Inflation in 2002: 7.5%
Currency: Slovenian tolar (SIT)
Member of the EU since: 2004
Capital city: Ljubljana (population 253,500)
Official language: Slovene
National holiday: 25 June

Since it gained independence in 1991, Slovenia has successfully integrated into the international community and is becoming a rapidly developing and prosperous state expanding co-operation with European countries and worldwide. Slovenia's main strategic development and security interest is to become a full member of the European Union and to join NATO. The Accession Treaty, signed on 16 April 2003 in Athens is due to enter into force on the day of Slovenia's accession to the EU, 1 May 2004.

More information about Slovenia:

About Slovenia
Basic general information on the country (geography, the system of government, history, population statistics, economy, arts and culture, tourism, etc.)

Welcome to Slovenia
New Internet portal promoting Slovenian tourism (official travel guide to Slovenia by the Slovenian Tourist Board).

Castle of Brdo
The medieval castle of Brdo used today by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for ceremonial purposes.
Throughout its long history (as early as in 1446, a manor house already existed on the site of the present castle), Brdo Castle has been frequented by history-makers - nobles, kings and, later, presidents - and yet has retained the quiet beauty and profound tranquillity of its sub-Alpine setting. More »